Thursday 16 April 2009

Trip to the other side

Well here I am again! Not fallen at the first hurdle although it did take me several attempts to find my blog again! Was quite disappointed that there were several Mellymoo's doing blogs online but then I suppose there are thousands out there. I have only just discovered blogging - what a fantastic thing, especially if you are extremely nosy like myself!!! I didn't realise how many there were out there. All people with the same thoughts as me - all different lives. It seems now that I am finding friends in cyber space! It is particularly nice for me to meet - when I say meet obviously I mean reading their blog - others who have left their homeland and have no friends where they are. That is no longer the case here in the freezing north (cold and misty today) and I now have a number of great friends on the doorstep but it took about 3 years until this was the case. So to any of you in that position - it will get better!

Have to tell you a bit about me - I am 42 years old - maybe approaching midlife crisis hence the desire to air my dirty washing in public!! I have 3 gorgeous children - and a very lovely though grumpy husband - we'll just call him the grump! Although I do still remember the man I fell madly in love with in a club in Manchester and sometimes I am convinced he might be the same person! Sometimes not!

I am a nurse, which I mostly love tho my enthusiasm has waned of late. I have worked all over the country in the same role but this has to be the most challenging job so far. I do harbour a secret desire to write a book but I see I am not the first blogger to have this idea so I think I will just do it for fun!

I have just spent the past 11 days in the south. As you may have gathered I am based up in Yorkshire - and a bit like the "Reluctant Memsahib" I am a reluctant northerner! I have lived in the North now for nearly as long as the south so that argument seems to hold less and less water! Coupled with the fact that when I say I don't like being here I get told, rightly that it was my decision to do so and I just have to get on with it! He on the other hand is like a pig in muck! Quite literally as he has an allotment and a penchant for growing onions! Still it is true to say that now it would be a tough choice between the two - some of the best people are up here and no matter where we lived I think I would feel I was missing something!

The past week or so has been all the sweeter as it is such a treat - we have been all over the place. My mum and brother live on the south coast which I love visiting. We get made a big fuss of and get lots of help which is not so forthcoming at home .I stayed with the my lovely girlie friend who can only be described as gorgeous, girlie, fun - you get the picture - stayed in her flat for a couple of nights and got to try on all her shoes - as did the children- for hours in fact! We supped wine and caught up - even managed to get out for a curry thanks to her flatmate .

Then we descended on my mother who had my brother staying he is always available to us when we visit - dropping everything. We have some great times together and he loves visiting the north too which is good. I managed to sneak away to play with my london friend in Brighton for a few hours which was so great! Funny I used to do it pre children and get bored with shopping, eating out, catching up! Now it is just the best thing ever!

I managed to buy shoes within about 20 mins of arrival and then went to one other shop and bought clothes - spending nearly £200 in about 30 mins! Told my friend to stop me spending any more - it used to take me a week to spend so much! Funny that it happens so quickly now but I guess I have become used to not shopping much - not great choices where we live! and used to shopping fast before the children get restless and start complaining! Thank goodness for ebay and online shopping otherwise my shopping would be non existent. We do have good shops at York, Leeds, Hull but getting there is such a trek I usually can't be bothered! I am used to it all being closeby and find that by the time I get to these places that I have lost the urge to shop! I think it might be coming back tho!

So that was Monday. Tuesday I - (when I say I it usually means with children in tow! )spent some time with a lovely gay couple, one of whom I carried a candle for many years - obviously until I realised he was more of a man's man! We have recently rekindled our friendship after 19 years of not seeing one another. It is lovely to see him again - a real gent - as is his partner. We spent the day in Eastbourne tho it was not too sunny and there were too many expensive children's areas for my liking and not enough tea shops! We ended up in an italian for lunch and on beachy head in the pub for drinks and a catch up. We could feel the sun inside without the accompanying breeze.

Wed - we took the children to a farm near Lewes and spent a very enjoyable day feeding lambs and all the accompanying activities that being on a farm/play area entails. A great day out with both brothers and mum. Love days like that - great to look back on. The rest of the week we went on various excursions culminating in spending sat at the continental market in Shoreham - oh the excitement!

I then left after Easter to see another friend whom I trained with in Manchester - she lives in Surrey and has two boisterous boys who are hard work but great fun. I remember her so well as a single girlie and we spent many a drunken night together but I think I prefer the mummy version who is so much softer and content with herself. She is ensconced in the country in her country pile as I like to call it not far from anything and I envy her for having such close proximity to my friends and family - and of course the shops, restaurants etc. It buzzes where she lives, the streets full of people and cars - my husband would say too busy, overcrowded - don't I prefer the quiet of our village without shops, hustle and bustle? No I prefer the busyness of towns and always will. Still I find I can dip in and out of it on a regular basis and retreat to the quiet of my countryside where there is no A3 running past it and I guess there is something to be said for being able to hear nothing but seagulls.

Now I am home after the 8 hr journey where we had to stop for ice creams, dinner, toilet breaks. ~We finally got home at 10pm! The relief ! Walking through my front door into my calm, cleaned house (cleaner came twice whilst I was away!) Unloaded the car whilst the children slept on then transferred each one in turn until the tranfer from car to bed was complete. Lovely to see the grumpy husband too - he seemed better looking and funnier than I remembered!

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