Friday 24 April 2009

Days at home

Well here we are again and I am heartened by the fact that in the beginning of my two favourite bloggers that they had no comments either! There is hope! My very favourite ones are "A mother's place is in the wrong" "Family Affairs" "Reluctant Memsahib" and "Flower fairies and fairy cakes" All excellent insights into other women's lives. Could do with reading some male ones then I might begin to understand how men see things??

I have spent the last couple of days off sick from work and realised how difficult the parenting thing is when you are below par! They have absolutely no comprehension of your needs and wants and will just demand their own. Yesterday was not so bad as all 3 children went to school/ child minder so I managed a few hours in bed recovering from a night of very frequent visits to the toilet! Consequently no sleep for either of us then H woke at 5am which he never does normally demanding milk which is a very bad habit that we have got into to make him stay in bed a bit longer. I was never able to get up with the girls until at least 7 am and luckily they used to sleep until nearer 8 am. H though from day 1 has been a 6 am child so our way of managing him is to give him warm milk - necessary for our sanity! I dread the day when he can get out of his cot! He is such a fidget in bed - you cannot lie and cuddle - the peace as we know it will be over!

I managed to catch up on sleep and picked the girls up from school at 5 pm where M proceeded to run towards me as she always does screaming "mummy" which is always heart warming after a day at work or a day at home feeling unwell and sorry for oneself! Unfortunately she twisted her ankle whilst running so ended up in tears and I had to carry her in my fragile state to the car. E carried her book bag and coat but kept dropping it on the playground! So I had to keep putting M down to pick things up but did eventually get to the car! Then picked up the boy and got home phew!! M wouldn't weight bear and was obviously in pain so she was nursed on the sofa until bedtime. Finally got all 3 to bed and went myself without any tea - still in too fragile a state. Husband was home late -after all the children were sorted out!

Today, got up, somehow managed to spend the day at home with all 3 children! One had red cheeks and kept saying she had "slap the cheeks" and M wouldn't walk and cried everytime I suggested school. There seemed little point in sending the boy and a good way to save a bit of money so kept him off too! Remembering too late that he was meant to be at nursery and we could have had 3 hrs peace and quiet! Ended up clearing up remnants of breakfast at least 3 times as they were hungry this morning! Then decided to do the grown up thing and take M to casualty for a check up! Went with visions of spending the night on the children's ward . Anyway all was well she was signed off as having a probable sprain although ever since this time she has crawled around the house including outside but it seems a little better.

On the plus side, the weather has been gorgeous and though I was too unwell to appreciate it yesterday, I fully appreciated it today and managed to spend at least an hour on my bench reading a book. I love reading - especially girlie trashy novels - chic lit - I have a swapping service with one of my friends - I'll call her D. She shares my love of girlie lit and we devour it between visits to one another and swap each time. I love her visits - she is great at girlie - cakes :carrot , white choc /raspberry , DVD's Sex and the City, Desperate Housewives, ER. She always has a new fad and we nearly always have to watch the latest chic flick when I visit her which I always look forward to.

Anyway I can feel gurgling starting in my belly so will sign off now! The children are all still up so I think I will get them to bed then settle to watch something mindless on TV. Adios!

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