Saturday 11 April 2009

Ok - this is the start of my life as a blogger! Not a blagger - tho I have been known to in the past, especially to men in clubs when telling them I put the jam into jammy dodgers! Amongst other jobs that are too rude to mention here! You will note that I like exclamation marks alot!!!

I am hoping that I will learn about other people and their lives when I do this. I hope there will be interesting insights into life in general and particularly my life with children and living in the North. No it is not a copy of "Wife in the North" I would never profess to being a writer but it is the fulfillment of part of a dream of mine to get published and find an undiscovered talent but doubtless the way that I think is probably the way we all think and I will find that my insights are not unique. I have always wanted to write and be heard but despite pages of journals in my youth I have never done anything about it. I think before I read any chick -lit I thought in much the same ways and was quite disappointed that I didn't get there first!

Oh well this is my life - not made up - still not sure whether it will be interesting or not., though i won't promise not to exaggerate things to make it more readable! Have read several blogs that are interesting to me so maybe this will appeal to someone out there. If not it will be a way to find out if what I think and feel is amusing to read or not.

My dream would be to work from home and write fulltime - obviously combined with playing with children, painting the house, endless cups of coffee and walks with the dog! (Yet to get the dog!)Have seen a very cute one tho - black and white terrier at a local farm. Very tempting to get one but have never owned a pet and not sure if I would know what to do with one! Like the idea of walks in the rain and on the beach and have misty eyed future feelings of seeing the children running with him and throwing driftwood...... I will have to consider it long and hard, particularly as my husband says that as I want him I would have to do the walking etc etc! Not sure I am up for that!

I am known to take off at a moments notice to see friends - obviously that is after the obligatory loading up of toys, clothes, books, shoes, bedding into the car, then the children, their drinks, snacks, sweets etc etc. What it all does to spontaneity eh? I used to take off at a moments notice now it takes me hours! Then you set off on a journey - shortest being an hour to see friends - longest about 7 hours to Grandma's and have to stop after an hour for them to wee ! How I ever get anywhere I really don't know! Still I do still manage to travel about the country, catching up with friends and family

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