Monday 4 May 2009

bank holiday madness

Well ,here we are again and we have survived the BANK HOLIDAY - there is soooo much pressure to have a good time! we have struggled - my hubby and I this weekend to entertain the 3 children and not lose it too much with them! There have been moments of melt down when children have been sent to their bedroom to "think about it" and unfortunately, looking back I have not been the calm, serene parent that I think I should be. However , we have survived it and looking back it has been a great day!

I surfaced late today which was a real luxury - hubby got the milk this morning - that is a fairly rare event because he is better at ignoring our small boy than I am. Usually it is me with alot of attitude (and I wonder where the girls get it from!) Stomp, stomp, stomp down the stairs - click the kettle on - always a must if in the vicinity of the kettle! Even if I don't want a drink, I always like to put the kettle on - just in case! Anyway today I was able to languish in my bed just a bit longer than usual and without a hangover too! Did get out of bed because I do like a nice cuppa when there and hubby had only done the milk part so I managed to make breakfast for 2 of the children then snuck back to bed! Heaven!!

I love a good read so, avoiding the amorous advances of hubby, I managed to read a few chapters and although I could hear the drone of cbeebies downstairs I was able to give myself some time and space - much needed to start the day! Anyway back to the BANK HOLIDAY! Eventually I managed to drag myself out of bed - enticed by a latte made by hubby - that's another thing whilst on the subject why oh why is it so difficult for me to get dressed in the morning??? I can get out of bed but it can take me hours to actually put some clothes on! Is this a usual state of affairs?? It seems to be getting worse as I get older! Any way eventually committed myself to the actual getting dressed act and after that I am ready for anything!

Paddled downstairs, just a turn of phrase , did not actually paddle. The children were in various states, some breakfasted, some half dressed, playing games, watching TV. As soon as I landed it seemed that the arguing started! There was a fight over doggies, one over dog beds and blankets etc etc. Children went into the garden but it was too cold so they came back in again. The weather was that horrible in between stage - sunny but too windy - which meant that the children were unable to go outside but not happy inside so kept going in and out! Causing me to have to keep getting up and down to ensure that H did not trap his fingers in the door!

Then hubby suggested going to the allotment (one of my pet hates as nothing for them to do there)and too much for me to have to do as well. I like to ignore its existence - too much like hard work - half an acre of hard ground on a slope, covered in weeds, thistles and stinging nettles. Not my idea of fun, though I do admire hubby's enthusiasm and feel that I should sometimes support him as I will happily eat whatever grows! Not sure that much will as there seems to be evidence of deer or large animals that come through at night and I am sure they ate half of it all last year! So he took M in the car with his prize rotavator and I trudged down the lane with 2 grumpy children!

Eventually got there without too much incident - unlike the time a few weeks ago when I was locked out and went to find hubby. Thinking he would be at the allotment I walked 3 tired and fed up children down the lane with scooters which was bound to end in disaster - and it did. E managed to fall off - I was already in a bad mood so ignored her cries , they were all crying and whining anyway and I have learned to zone out sometimes! - just wanting to get home after finding hubby was not there! It was starting to get cool and I was getting fed up - understatement - I was starting to think of all the things I would do to hubby when I eventually found him!

It was only as time went on that I realised E had actually really hurt herself and was bleeding profusely! (oops - not going to get mother of the year award here then)! But as we were on a lane in the middle of nowhere I had nothing on me to help stop the flow of blood or tears and just felt like crying myself. Just as I was despairing of the fact that I am not the sort of mother to have tissues to hand (unlike my own who had an obsession for them!) , weird bloke from down the road pulled up and quickly jumped to assist me with a hanky! Phew! life improved after that and we all managed to get home. Then I remembered there was a key with a neighbour and was able to gain access back to the house! and plasters! Vowing never to leave the premises again!

At the allotment I worked with hubby putting in onions and potatoes and trying to ignore the cries of "I'm bored" we worked quickly with rake and fork to break up the ground and insert the vegetables into holes. Finally, after an hour we finished. The children were keen to get home so it was an easier walk and we played "I spy" which passed the time. Promising H the bribe of cookies, he was on a mission in his spider wellies to get up the hill without moaning too much!

I keep wanting to put " and they all went home for tea" - a throwback to my Enid Blyton days when every Famous Five book had lengthy descriptions of high tea and high jinks at the farm. That's all I can remember. We had lunch then decided what to do next. It was agreed that it was too windy for the beach, and being BANK HOLIDAY would be too busy down there to park. The local farm - would be okay, apart from the lack of animals but if it rained there was not much to do. Finally decided to drive in the car - which always works as a calmer of children and frayed nerves of parents to a countryside centre with tea rooms and play area - winner!

And we actually managed to have alot of fun. We went to see the birds in a hideout, had a walk and then played in the play area, though it did rain so this was cut short - blessed relief - a tea room with fabulous iced cakes, fudge brownies, scones - I could go on! and on! There were even toys to play with! Hoorah! So hubby and myself swapped a smile over the steaming brews and relaxed - aaaaaahhhhhhhhh

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