Friday 15 May 2009

A day in the life of

Well today has been a challenge. A day in the life of "me". Starts with hubby at 5.50 and his alarm which sounds like a choir of Africans singing - not the most relaxing of alarms, although pleasant in its' own way. Managed to fall asleep until about 6.45 when H woke as he does, demanding milk "mummy milk" he chants until I get up to make it - or as I did the other day told him to be quiet and when he was then I would make it! Worked like a dream - managed at least another half hour! Anyway I have found that school days are less stressful if I start them earlier so I got up.

The days also start better if H has his milk and is in a good mood! Then tackled the girls who both wanted me to dress them and moaned about doing their own socks! Eventually got dressed myself and dressed H. Found some pleasure in wearing normal clothes and not work garb so felt in quite a good mood.

Downstairs - having to hold H hand all the way whilst juggling nappy, bottle and cups in the other " I want hold your hand mummy - pppleeeassseee" How can you resist? Anyway on goes the radio - blaring out sounds of the here and now - having been instructed by M to turn it up loader! Then the breakfast orders start - E wanted the cereal I had yesterday with milk, M wanted granola but with milk not her usual yoghurt! H wanted granola with yoghurt but eyed his sisters with suspicion. Finally got own breakfast despite being asked to then furnish them all with juice and various other requests.

Off to school then - well via the GP as E has a chesty cough and is having some surgery in a couple of weeks and I don't want it to be cancelled. So we wait and wait and wait. Finally get out of there and just make school in time. Then drop off H at nursery where he goes on a friday , then back to GP for antibiotics, then home! Phew!

See friend unloading toddler from her car in the pouring rain - toy with the idea of dropping in for coffee and a chat but decide to have some very indulgent "Me time" and watch "27 dresses" which I absolutely loved - so girlie - fabulous! By the time it ends I am nearly late picking up H and seem to have achieved very little, but it has given me some space in this mad life that we live and that is a rare and precious thing.

Bring H home and do a few chores then have lunch which is left overs from the night before which we enjoy along with crisps and other bits and pieces. H says he is tired so manage to settle him in front of TV for about 30 mins with warm milk - well he's tired and think he might sleep. Then before you know it - it's time to collect the girls again!

Once we have collected them we go as a treat to get some sweets then drive home. We are home about 10 mins which is long enough to locate E's latest glasses prescription and we are off again - this time into town. We choose new glasses, have a fitting and drive home again. Get in and throw fish fingers and healthy chips into the oven, bath H , well shove him in the bath and drink tea whilst half listening to his questions about all things bath-related . Then hubby gets home so leave H to splash and swim to catch up with him. Get H out of bath and into pyjamas - feed all 3 - shouting that the girls only have 20 mins to eat it before we have to go out AGAIN!

Finally they finish and we set off for bingo at their school and arrive with a minute to spare. Do required time at bingo - pour cups of tea and wash up enough to be thought helpful! When I return from helping there is only 1/2 cup of tea and 1/4 egg sandwich left. E gives me half her sausage roll which I am touched by. Eventually get to leave having not won anything with two upset children who knew what prizes they wanted and did not get!

Get home and RELAX - well after shouting at them again to get their pyjamas on, have some more to eat and finally get into bed. Have a bath and read book (longterm favourite pastimes) with a cup of tea and hot cross bun (odd I know!) E comes to visit at least half a dozen times before they eventually settle and go to sleep.

Go downstairs, hubby is asleep. Now on computer and he is snoring gently next to me!

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