Friday 27 May 2011

creative juices

I always start my blogs the same way so today I will be different.

Life is still pretty good and I seem to enjoy the simpler things in life these days. Tomorrow my day will be going to specsavers to pick up my glasses after a lazy breakfast - low carbs as I have decided to try to eat low gi which I always find difficult as I love bread. I think when the sun is shining and it is not cold there is alot of enjoyment just in being. I love to feel the sun on my face and am never happier than when the birds are singing, people are cutting their lawns and you can hear the screeches of children playing. I am slightly worried though because In our bush you can hear a loud buzzing noise and see at least a dozen bees flying about ao I am wary of them when I am hanging out my washing.

Anyway back to my day, rivetting as it was I know but I will probably just hang about the house, let the rabbits out and clean their hutches. There might be a neighbour around for coffee so that is always a good distraction and the children all get on really well. I might even take them to the beach which is only a couple of miles away. If it is a really nice day we might go on the bikes on the railway which passes an hour or so and is good fun. There is a tearoom as well so that always adds to the whole experience.

I really want to write a book based on some of my life experiences or a light and fluffy read. Can't decide which - maybe I should start light and fluffy and progress to the heavier tomes! Maybe not might just be too depressing!! Light and fluffy it is then! Really at the moment LIFE COULD NOT BE BETTER but I always start to worry when I think that because then it almost certainly gets worse! But just for the record - it is pretty good and I don't want to always be moaning - you get so bored of hearing yourself!

So I think that is my next thing- write that novel that is somewhere there, become a success and attend lots of book signings then retire from work or drop some hours and work from home. Then I can do my counselling course and be a lady of leisure too! I am unconvinced that anyone actually reads these blogs apart from Blonde moments who is one of my dearest and bestest friends and maybe another - she knows who she is. I expect she has given up following me as I rarely write and most of it is just drivel - but there you go, the contents of my mind.

Whilst I write my daughter no 2 is chanting that she is bored and it is 2206 so she should be in bed anyway!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I do read it - as often as you post (which has looong gap in between). Glad all is going well. x
