Tuesday 17 May 2011

It has been a long time since my last blog but I felt that I wanted to revisit it. I have in my abscence been doing a counselling course which I was passionate about but just found with everything else going on with my daughter who was in hospital again for bowel surgery that it was the wrong time. I did really love doing it though but will have to shelve it for another time. I met some great people and really looked forward to each session but I needed more time to do assignments and attend the sessions than I actually had!

In the meantime my husband has become less grumpy and has left his job which involved travelling an hour and  a half every day each way and meant that he was never around for pick up or drop offs with the children and if I ever needed him to cover I could usually guarantee that he was somewhere between guisborough and sunderland where he was working. Now his new job is starting next week and already I have become accustomed to getting in from work to dinner cooking, a tidy house and children being fed which has been lovely. He is also much happier, more attentive and appreciative of what I have been doing for the past years since we have had our children. It looks set to continue as his job is 20 mins away which means that he will still be around to help several times a week which will be great.

My little boy is just about to start big school and is excited about joining his big sisters in september. He has to go on a little induction course as well and I am excited about that. I am relieved because I thought I would be sad when he starts school but I am not I am excited for him and look forward to them all growing up and knowing what they will become. It is a great time as life is busy and full and the children are really fabulous - although not all of the time but I go to bed at night content and happy with my life and that has to say something. Admittedly we are going into summer and I do love the possibilities of this time of year but I don't think that is the only reason. I have lots of things planned for the summer time and I am really looking forward to so many things. We have a week booked down in Devon and I have a couple of weekends away booked. All in all a good time ahead.

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