Thursday 8 October 2009

getting older and greyer

Oh no just starting to feel old. my girls are now 7 years old and the boy is nearly 3 - where did the time go?

I have been with hubby for 14 years and I forgot our anniversary and arranged to go out with friends that night! how awful am I?

It is starting to happen! I have twice met with people through work and not recognised them, one mother who I had visited at home with her son , I just did not recognise at a meeting and it was only as she gave me clue after clue in the conversation that I realised who she was! It happened with another mother that I met and drank tea with in her front room - discussing some very worrying issues that she was having with her baby. I then interviewed her and phoned her and then met her again without recognising her at all. She had to tell me that she had met me before! I am losing my mind!!!!

I love my job but at the moment am really struggling to manage alone and keep forgetting the most basic of things and as I am working without the person I call my "brain" I really do keep forgetting things and only remembering the next day or when driving into work!

The other reason I know that I must be getting older is that time is passing so quickly! It is thursday already yet I feel that I have only just had monday! I never agreed with people who said that time passes quicker as you get older but it is true!!! Even my children have to remind me of things I have said I would do and then have forgotten to! Oh well, now I know the pleasure of remembering something important having just forgotten it - only hope it's not the start of alzeimers......

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