Wednesday 4 November 2009

I did say ups and downs......

Well today I have "had a day"! It started as most days do with Henry shouting at the top of his voice for MILK!!!!!!MUMMMMMMMMYYYYYY! You get the idea.... Husband was just leaving for work as he tends to do as all hell breaks loose in the house. Then E gets up and comes dancing into my room, no doubt excited as she knows that the two of us have to go to the hospital 30 miles away for a checkup and that she will have deposited the others in various places and have me to herself. A prize indeed! So she bounded downstairs with H in tow to watch TV. I managed to have another half hour in bed and woke with a start at 8am , knowing that if we did not get a move on, we would be late for school and the whole, very carefully orchestrated day would go to pot!

So, reluctantly I dragged myself out of bed and got dressed. Then I had to drag M out of bed as she was still snuggled down, probably hoping that I would not notice for a while! It is my job to notice the habits of my children, knowing them as I do! Recently, M has become like a teenager with lots of attitude, answering back and lie ins - except at the weekend when she gets up no problem!

I come downstairs to find all 3 in front of the TV in pyjamas, now it is 8.15 so I yell at them all to turn the TV off and come and get dressed and have some breakfast. Eventually we leave the house at 8.45. First we drop off M and she is reluctant to go on the playground without me even though none of the others have their mummy's with them. She eventually braves it and goes inside. Next is H at the child minders, I usually take him with us to appointments but I plan to work later so it is easier to drop him too.

We travel slowly behind an old lady who I insult loudly and suggest she gives up driving! Eventually get past her and behind someone in a 4 wheel drive who is also driving slowly , no doubt without anywhere to get to and able to take their time! Not me I have to get to Tesco petrol station to hoover out my messy and disgusting car which is emanating some strange odours! (later located the source of the smell - an old banana skin!) Half way through my cleaning the hoover sucks up something it shouldn't and the suction decreases so that I am unable to continue so back everything goes into the car. Books, toys, car seats, hair bobbles - you name it , it is in there.I know at this stage that I should really tell somebody but forget to despite going into the shop to buy some extra bread and milk, despite the fact that I have a food shop being delivered this evening anyway - just forgot to order bread and milk!

We get to the hospital and I enquire of E whether she still needs the toilet as she did previously. She says "No" she is ok now so I check and of course she is wet through. That puts me in a bad mood so we go and sit in silence in the cafe and I sip my very hot tea until it is time for the appointment. One of my pet hates is waiting for appointments in busy waiting rooms and I shouldn't say it , but I will, another one is E wanting me to give her lots of attention whilst waiting when all I want to do is daydream and read a magazine. I usually have to read to her several times and today was no different! Then we get weighed and measured.

Eventually we get called to the physio who enquires how E is doing with her new breathing apparatus. I cannot lie we have not touched it since she gave it to us ceremoniously in September where I promised that we would faithfully blow into it morning, noon and night! OOps I fail again ! You can see the exasperated expression on her face and I know how she feels as I am sure this happens to me in my work on a regular basis but I guess you have to be realistic and know that people have lives and are busy with other priorities. I was honest that because E has been well there has been no flashing red light to remind me of our blowing duties but promise that we will make it a part of our morning and evening routine from now on.

We then go and wait for a further 20 minutes and get to see the consultant which I am happy about because another pet hate is being fobbed off with the registrar who I am afraid to say I usually find difficult to understand! So happily we see the real mccoy and manage to have a long conversation with her about the coming winter and the perils of chest infections and catching them early etc. I always feel that the team feel that I lack a little in my detective skills when it comes to these infections and that I allow them to creep into E's chest and take up residence before I do something about it. I could be wrong but that is the feeling that I get.

We eventually get away and I note with despair that E still needs feeding and it is already 1300 hrs. I will not get her to school until 1400 by the time we drive home and have a quick lunch. It takes nearly an hour to get home so we have a quick snack and she is keen to get to school. We drop her off and I go and do my first visit of the day. I manage to see two patients then have to turn around and come back to pick up the girls as they have a tennis lesson taster session that I signed them up for thinking I would be on a day off. As it happened I already had monday off with M as she was wheezy and too unwell for school. So it was a race to pick them up, pick up their clothes and dash to the leisure centre - why do I bother??

We got there five minutes late and had to wait for the next session to start which was another 40 mins so then we were late getting H from the childminders. Eventually we got home at 1845. What a day!

To add to it all, am feeling bit fed up as work is so busy and my colleague has been off for 3 months but hopefully will be back soon. I feel tired and achey so I think I will take my mood to bed with me. Tomorrow is another day and hopefully will be a better one. Got a fireworks night at the school so really looking forward to that.

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