Friday 30 October 2009

Back in the real world!

So what have I been up to lately? Well we had a lovely weekend with a very good friend and her partner and children. As always happens, one of the children was unwell and had to have a quick trip to minor injuries! My friend also got stung by a wasp whilst relaxing in our kitchen and minding her own business! We had lots of rain, as always happens when we have visitors to the North. It seems to be almost expected of our guests and though we protest that the sun shines alot - they do not seem to believe us! One of our friends, another couple were so wet after walking on the beach that we had to tumble dry all of their clothes!

We had a weekend in our extension which reminded us of the work that still needed to be done! Painting - I had started but it is a big room and I have to be in the mood. It needs flooring and all the finishing touches to make it liveable in. My plan is to paint one wall a different colour and have some nice new furniture, we know what plans are like though. Fancy perusing ebay for some bargain bits of furniture to try to get a mixture of old and new like the rest of the house.

It is a cold day today and I have been inside most of the day, apart from hanging out washing. I spent an hour painting with hubby and getting more and more cross with him telling me how to do things, so when he went to the shops I down tooled and had a lovely coffee and went on facebook. When he got back he finished the room himself! As I said I have to be in the mood! I have been trying to organise my itunes, what a nightmare that is! Still don't really understand why they keep scrambling up!

I have been trying to arrange some nights/ days out with friends but without actually pinning them down to arrange it fully I cannot make them do what I want! If I had my way I would have something on every other weekend so that there is always something to look forward to. I do love being at home these days and seem to have become alot more relaxed about not gadding about all over as it is exhausting and I never seem to settle for days after a trip away and I just get back into being at home and we are off again.So I guess there are advantages to being less popular and I am sure it is just that everyone else is busy with their lives and think that I will be busy with mine! I guess the three children might be a bit offputting for some!

Let it be known that I am available for any trips, nights, meals out or beers - I am back!!!!!!!

Thursday 8 October 2009

getting older and greyer

Oh no just starting to feel old. my girls are now 7 years old and the boy is nearly 3 - where did the time go?

I have been with hubby for 14 years and I forgot our anniversary and arranged to go out with friends that night! how awful am I?

It is starting to happen! I have twice met with people through work and not recognised them, one mother who I had visited at home with her son , I just did not recognise at a meeting and it was only as she gave me clue after clue in the conversation that I realised who she was! It happened with another mother that I met and drank tea with in her front room - discussing some very worrying issues that she was having with her baby. I then interviewed her and phoned her and then met her again without recognising her at all. She had to tell me that she had met me before! I am losing my mind!!!!

I love my job but at the moment am really struggling to manage alone and keep forgetting the most basic of things and as I am working without the person I call my "brain" I really do keep forgetting things and only remembering the next day or when driving into work!

The other reason I know that I must be getting older is that time is passing so quickly! It is thursday already yet I feel that I have only just had monday! I never agreed with people who said that time passes quicker as you get older but it is true!!! Even my children have to remind me of things I have said I would do and then have forgotten to! Oh well, now I know the pleasure of remembering something important having just forgotten it - only hope it's not the start of alzeimers......